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East Palatka, Florida
Home > Fair > Vendor Info-ALL Spaces FILLED for 2025
* Please note: vendor & exhibitor spaces are offered to last years' participants first. We keep a waiting list of folks that have requested a space and offer spaces to them in order of receipt as spaces become available. If you would like to be placed on the waiting list, please contact us with your information.

Vendor Info-ALL Spaces FILLED for 2025

2025 Indoor Vendor / Exhibitor

Please feel free to mail in an application for 2026 today!

These participants are our community partners and commercial exhibitors. Booths are indoors and vary in sizes from 10' wide to 30' wide due to availability. Past year vendors/exhibitors and sponsors have priority to reserve their same booth if all paperwork and fees are submitted by the first Monday in December each fair year. New Vendors & Exhibitors will have the selection from the remaining booths. These booths range from local businesses, commercial goods, hand crafted wares, government agencies, political parties and candidates, civic organizations.

2025 Inside Exhibitor Application & Rules

Outdoor Vendor-Food & Commercial

Food Vendors are Full for 2025!

Our current food vendors have been with us for many years and continue to provide great products and great service. At this time, there is no availability for new food vendors. If you have a unique item you would like us to consider for the future, please contact us with a photo of your set-up at an event, photo of your item, menu, along with your space and power requirements.

Outdoor non-food vendor space is extremely limited. Please contact us for availability by sending an email including the application, photos of your booth and a list of items you sell with pricing.

* Food Vendors are also required to submit the Fire Marshall permit paperwork (see below)

Senior Day Event ONLY Exhibitor Booth

- a Very special event open only to our Senior Citizens, the Fair offers a unique time for folks to enjoy seeing the Fair livestock and exhibits during the day, and free from the large loud crowds that attend in the evening.

- this event is FREE admission to our Seniors

- Rotary club of Palatka Sunrise cooks and serves a wonderful lunch, also FREE of charge.

- Senior Day is always the Wednesday of the Fair!

- Gates open @ 10:30am, Lunch @ 11a, Entertainment program @ 12:30p

Exhibit Hall, Art Show, Home Division, Horticulture, 4-H Club & Individual Exhibits, Conservation Trays, Livestock Barns, Petting Zoo will all be open for Senior Citizens to view; Food Vendors & rides will NOT be open at this time.

** If you already have a booth space at the Fair you do NOT need to buy a Senior Day space. You are already included!

** This form is for those businesses that prefer not to participate in the fair the whole NINE days but really want to be included to reach our Senior Citizens during their special Day.


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